About Me

GB Photography
I'm Georgia Buck - a 25 year old veterinarian, originally from West Sussex (England), with a passion for wildlife & pet photography.
From a young age I've always been fascinated with animals - both domestic and those I saw on endless wildlife documentaries. My initial introduction to photography began when I was just 11 years old after I received a second hand camera. Most of my photos were of my two very obliging cats - and hence my passion for pet photography began. In the years since, I have honed by skills and performed multiple pet portrait sessions for friends and family.
In 2017 I visited Botswana, with my camera in tow, which lit a fire within me to further develop my photographic & post-processing skills. 8 years later and I've visited 5 African countries and visited 15 different national parks/game reserves - all with their own unique beauty. I have also managed to explore wildlife havens a little closer to home with trips to local national parks and conservation areas such as Skomer Island.
- Finalist in Pangolin Photo Challenge 'Best of 2024'